Some people say that the media was openly biased against trump. The opposite is actually true. trump is stupidly, smart and as a reality "star" and celebrity, he knows that any press is good press and that bad press is sometimes the best press. All of us, media and voters alike, took the bait. Everything that trump did and said, which was mostly negative, turned into a headline, a discussion, a debate, an outrage. People would tune into the news outlets or social media just to see what stupid thing he said or did today and since he did or said something stupid everyday, he was getting all the attention. The news media was biased toward him, not against him. I will even take responsibility for giving him all of my attention and most democrats should as well. Just look at our Facebook posts or tweets and one of my blog posts, they were always focused on the negatives of trump (just what trump supporters loved), not what Hillary could do for the country. Those who did not vote for trump never made the case FOR Hillary, they were always making the case AGAINST trump while trump supporters were doing both, making the case FOR trump and AGAINST Hillary. I listened to CNN everyday driving to an from work. Their conversations, until the very end, were mostly about the wacky stuff that trump said or did. They were not making any of it up because there was always a video or audio or tweets of him doing it, hence, the stupidly smart approach of trump. It got CNN talking about it but when they did, they always had a balanced panel - trump supporters and Hillary supporters - to discuss it. Chris Cuomo of CNN moderated these panels of biased supporters quite well always calling to task their views or support when required. The other thing I noticed was that Kellyanne Conway (whom I despise) and some of the surrogates like Rudy Giuliani were also on news media outlets much more than Hillary's people, of course, to manage whatever stupid thing trump said or did. Of course, there were other biased agencies; FOX News has always been a conservative's haven for republicans, more biased than any of the large news outlets. And, how about Breitbart News? Who, you say? Well now you know in an unfortunate way that Breitbart is one of the largest media outlets in the country, home of the European populist movement and now the American alt-right movement, where America's new chief strategist Steve Bannon serves as executive chairman, a white nationalists news source and one condoned by the KKK and American Nazi's. If that isn't biased toward trump, I don't know what is. I'm an NBC news guy and they do seem to lean blue. Chuck Todd, of Meet the Press, is one of my favorite political analysts.
trump makes his own headlines, the news media doesn't make them up, at least the large, main news outlets. They don't make things up in a biased way. The reporting appears biased because trump does and says such stupid things, the outlets can't help but to report it and talk about it. There are so many headlines each day that show the narcissism, ugliness, cowardly, stupid words and acts of this man or his surrogates that I can't keep up with them all. Sometimes it is even the lack of words that baffle me, like not having a strong denouncing of the spike in hate crimes in America due to his ugly rhetoric during the election or not denouncing the recent "Hail Trump" video by the Alt-right national policy institute leader Richard Spencer.
The media was not biased against trump. It gave all its attention to trump as did we and this is where it got us.
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