Friday, January 27, 2017

One week In....Ugliness of trump

...and all trump has done is sign executive orders. Does that sound authoritarian? Does it sound like a dictator? We, America, are on the verge of a major catastrophe. Mikael Gorbachev, in a Time opinion article, has even said that the world is preparing for war. trump (notice I will not capitalize his name or call him president for lack of respect) is escalating this threat of war every step of the way. He has now puts Americans at risk for torture by saying we should be torturing more, fighting fire with fire.  How would we condemn a country torturing our soldiers and civilians if our policy of torture is in in line with terrorists? He has also put Americans at risk for his rhetoric America first, making America and its civilians one of the most hated countries in the world. I am all for looking after our own and making our people a priority but his rhetoric is threatening to the rest of the world and to our very own safety.  We live in a global economy and a global society.  America first should be seen as leadership not in the context of screwing over and fighting the rest of the world as a bully. America now has no leadership.  It has a populist president and administration who the majority of Americans do not respect nor voted for. A new song, America the Ugly, should now be written just seven days into this narcissistic, collusive, lying (alternative facts), bullying administration.  Even some Republican lawmakers are aghast and more need to be. paul ryan, his lemming, is no better. I thought I had some respect for him at one point but that has all diminished.  I have no respect for trump followers. If you voted for trump, that is one thing and given the choice, OK I can see why you might have. If you are a blind follower (and I mean that in the Jim Jones sense of the word) then you need to wake up and open your eyes.  I was blind but now I see, I was lost but now I am found. It is now time to open your eyes and be found. God created a beautiful planet and humans have continued to destroy it, even with the the efforts of those that fight against it. Now trump wants to continue destruction by the severe limitations placed on the EPA, the ignorance of facts by 97% of scientists related to climate change, pipeline executive orders and the proliferation of nuclear weapons. I frankly think God needs to intervene just as he did in the bible as this man, trump, the devil walks among us. The fight needs to continue against this administration. As much as people believe I am not a Christian, I am.  I am an independent voter because I believe policy that affects Christian values and beliefs are held on both sides. However, it is evident by the lack of values, lack of human decency, bullying, hatred, racism, bigotry, sexism of this president and administration and the support by his followers that I will never vote republican again. It is unbelievable to me that we voted all of these values in over a private email server. It is not that I am a huge Hillary supporter but her values, ethics (even in question), and human decency is so far beyond trump's and even many of those in his administration (think bannon) that they are not even in the same universe. People keep saying "get over it" and let's unite but when a president divides the country so badly, even in his inauguration address and continues to do it day in and day out, with each word and with each tweet, this is NOT something to "get over", it is something to stand up against. So, one week in and he has proven his ugliness as a person and even uglier as a president. 

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